La photographie

Watch The Ball - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Overtoom Amsterdam - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Complete Control Over Russian Parading Teenagers - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Friend Painter Dick High On Plenty- Gerard Wessel - Foto

15 Minutes Fame During 'Peforming Poetry' - Gerard Wessel - Foto

With Darlin' Nina Hagen For Her German T.V. Show - Gerard Wessel - Foto

New York City 1988 - Gerard Wessel - Foto

As Hunter Thomson In Leningrad - Gerard Wessel - Foto

So Alone - Gerard Wessel - Foto

As Napoleon With Mummified Company - Gerard Wessel - Foto

De Jeugdige Bovenburen - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Fishin' My Paintings Out Off Spanish Ocean - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Early Lola - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Doin' a Rock-Job in Spain - Gerard Wessel - Foto

With Ferdy Karmelk - Gerard Wessel - Foto

18-09-1991 - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Groovin' on Meltin Ice - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Perfect Posing! Gerard Wessel - Foto

With 'Young Hero' Daan. Another space been takin' - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Thinkin I'm stealing the floorshow- Gerard Wessel - Foto

Daddy If You Miss Me - Gerard Wessel - Foto

Another Concertbuilding Grand Stand - Gerard Wessel - Foto

The illegal one hour Concertgebouw photoshoot’ - Amsterdam 1985 - Gerard Wessel - Foto

High On Pernod - Gerard Wessel - Foto