Posted June 29 2021,

Last Sunday, June 27, Ivo de Lange gave a book presentation together with the Herman Brood Museum at the Odeon Theater in Zwolle. We have published a new book called: Blauwvingers.
Zwolle has a glorious past and has produced big names. Johan Rudolph Thorbecke, Johannes Cele, Gerard ter Borch to name a few. To honor them, a statue is placed, a street or school is named or a former home is put in the spotlight.
They are also there in this time, Blauwvingers of today and those who are significant for the Zwolle of today and the future. Why not shine the spotlight on them?
30 nominated Zwolle residents have been placed in the book with a lifelike drawing, made by the artist Luc Verschuren. Supplemented with texts by Peter Pels from ZoText.
We have received extremely positive and nice responses! Below is a collage made by Marijke Ripke.
1 response
Ineke Groters
December 30, 2021Ik las onlangs over dit boek in een jaaroverzicht in de krant. Ik vroeg me af of dit boek te koop is bij de Zwolse boekhandel. Ook zouden we het dan in de collectie van de bibliotheek (Stadkamer) willen opnemen.