Gerard Wessel - BREAD book presentation
Posted November 07 2021,

Last November 5, on Herman Brood's 75th birthday, there were awards in memory of Brood at various places in the country. At our museum the book presentation was BREAD.
Photographer and native Zwolle Gerard Wessel taught Herman Brood during his years as a student at the Photography and Technology School in The Hague.
His latest book BROOD is an intimate portrait of the Netherlands' greatest rock 'n' roll artist, but an underrated artist in the museum world, with unknown hilarious stories and countless, previously unpublished photos from the enormous archive of photographer Gerard Wessel. From the mid-eighties until the end of the musician/artist's life, the two had a 'professional friendship', as the photographer calls it. Wessel followed Brood at home and abroad, in good and bad times and during the inimitable adventures that only Brood experienced. They felt each other perfectly in terms of photography, with the result being something like this 20,000 photos. In this book, Gerard Wessel looks back in words and images on his experiences with Brood, and he also interviews old friends he met during that intense period.
There was a large turnout and it was a very special evening!
Photos taken by Marijke Ripke.
3 reactions
Edwin Schild
November 09, 2021Verzonden=verslonden
Edwin Schild
November 09, 2021Ik kon op deze dag er helaas niet bij zijn, maar heb inmiddels wel het boek ontvangen wat ik bij jullie heb besteld. De eerste bladzijden die ik reeds verzonden heb was een groot vermakelijk feest en heel erg leuk geschreven. Herman brood museum en Gerard Wessel heel erg bedankt voor dit prachtige document.
Groet Edwin schild
Edwin Schild
November 09, 2021Ik kon op deze dag er helaas niet bij zijn, maar heb inmiddels wel het boek ontvangen wat ik bij jullie heb besteld. De eerste bladzijden die ik reeds verzonden heb was een groot vermakelijk feest en heel erg leuk geschreven. Herman brood museum en Gerard Wessel heel erg bedankt voor dit prachtige document.
Groed Edwin schuld